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Discovering Prague's famous Astronomical Clock

In today's special episode, Johanna went on a mission to discover and learn more about the Astronomical Clock of Prague, dating back to 1410. It is one of the watchmaking historical marvels. On her journey, she met with David Knespl PhD, an expert and a true well of knowledge who shared the history of this beautiful clock and its mechanism.

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Young, Audacious and Independent

One of the most inspiring videos of 2022 with people who represent the Future of watchmaking. What a pleasure it was to talk to them and to learn how these young and bold independent watchmakers see their lifelong passion, what timepieces they are planning to bring to the market in 2023, and what are the biggest challenges they face in their chosen profession.

Enjoy this great talk show and keep in mind that we're planning to do more such roundtables in the year to come.

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