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Welcome 2015, and goodbye 2014!

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Happy New Year to everyone and welcome back on! 2014 was an intense year. First of all, swiss watches exportations continued to grow in terms of value. In other words, the industry never earned so much money with their watches but the number of watches exported has decreased. In terms of technique, new escapements' concepts and prototypes were presented, such as the Genequand escapement from Vaucher manufacture designed to increase drastically the power reserve. The IsoSpring is a conceptual regulator using flexible blades in order to control the speed of a rotating object.

At the opposite of  technique is art and more and more brands run project in the world of contemporary art, this seems to be a new craze for the brands and probably because it's also a strong business market with brands getting closer to some wealthy buyers.

2015 will be full of surprises and we are really looking forward sharing soon some of the exciting developments for

Best wishes for this new year and thank you for being more and more viewing and sharing our video reports!!! in 2014, it’s:

175 videos reports

10 hours of content produced

1.8 Million video views

3.7 Million minutes of content watched!!!

And numbers are increasing every month… Thank you and welcome to 2015!!!!