First Of Its Kind: This Watch Was Made In Albania!

Welcome to the world of Albanian watchmaking! Today we’re going to talk about a very original timepiece with quite an original story behind it as we like to showcase different takes on watchmaking around the globe.

The "Primordial Passion" was born from a small idea, and quickly grew into a big project that took almost 5 years to realise. With the mechanism coming from Switzerland, and the marquetry produced 100% in-house, this watch serves as another reminder that passion for watchmaking has no boundaries.

And while the design is always a subjective appreciation the level of commitment put into this piece is truly exceptional and this can totally and objectively be perceived when you look at all the details and the complexity that comes along. No wonder that "Primordial Passion" will be competing in the Artistic Crafts category at this year’s GPHG.

Watch this video and tell us what you think about the artistic crafts of Albania.




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