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PRIMETIME - October 2022

Watchmaking in the News.

Hello and welcome to Primetime - Watchmaking in the News. And it is the 70th edition of this show where we talk about news, trends, and obviously watches.

Crazy how fast time flies and a massive thanks for being with us all these years and fuelling our enthusiasm with your comments and likes.

For this special issue, we prepared a lot of exciting stories: news from the industry, some updates about us too, upcoming watch fairs in Mexico, New York, and Singapore and, of course, new releases of watches.

And one of the major news about us is that from now on you can listen to PRIMETIME on Spotify! This will be a monthly podcast made for the convenience of those of you who would like to enjoy your favourite show while driving a car.

With this, we invite you to hop on board for another armchair trip to the fantastic Universe of fine watchmaking.