PRIMETIME - June 2021

Watchmaking in the News.

It's been a little while we didn't publish a PRIMETIME, but it's for a very good reason I hope I will be able to disclose this in the near future.

So in this edition, we come back on some fresh news we finally received regarding the situation of watch shows in Switzerland, both for this year, but also regarding 2022.

But the good news is that the Geneve Watch Days will happen at the same time as the Viva Watchmaking party we wanted to organise for our 10th anniversary.

Therefore, we are planning to do some kind of nice combination between the two events and if you are interested, please use this link to our website just to mark your interest and we will take it from there and see what will be possible to do.

But in this edition, we are also coming back on some recent product launches, but we are focusing more on how these launches can impact and benefit the industry, as we know that numbers are currently not that great.

Enjoy the show & Viva Watchmaking!


Kickstarter Campaign With Furlan Marri


New watches from Audemars Piguet