PRIMETIME - Watchmaking in the News - May 2018

Exceptionally this edition of PRIMETIME was not published during the first week of the month and this was all due to a very good excuse as we instead had the chance of visiting another very important watchmaking region: Glashutte in Germany.

Nevertheless the last few weeks have been pretty calm in terms of new watches presented, but this didn't prevent some rather significant moves in the industry with Richemont announcing two big news; the recent purchase of Watchfinder and the creation of a new brand with Baume.

But I must say that we have been very busy and shooting a lot, not to mention our first WatchTrip which was simply phenomenal. We will be organising our second venue in late September or early October and we will keep you posted shortly about this opportunity. If you already want to mark your interest for this, please don't hesitate to contact us through our website:

And we also have a photo contest to talk about where you could win a very pleasant stay here in Geneva.


And if you really want a cool t-shirt, here you go:

All the best, Marc André


Women in Watchmaking - The Student


Patek Philippe's "Concours Bienfacture & Precision"