Amazing Atomic Machine by URWERK: The AMC

This is most probably one of the most crazy piece of watchmaking seen by us and we are delighted to publish this behind the scene video of what it's all about. The AMC took more than 8 years of development and the idea in a certain is a modern reinterpretation of something Abraham-Louis Breguet developed some 200 years ago with the "Pendule Sympathique" concept. In short, you have a very precise mother clock that monitors the good running of a portable watch, but URWERK took this concept to the limit by having a uber precise atomic clock as your time reference and it's mechanical intelligence within the wristwatch itself that regulates the watch. Enjoy this video, it's really something pretty unique and hats off to Felix Baumgartner and his team for this amazing achievement.



Introducing the Phillips, Bacs & Russo spring auction 2018


PRIMETIME - Watchmaking in the News - April 2018