PRIMETIME - Watchmaking in the News - Special Post Baselworld


This is indeed a special edition of PRIMETIME, since we will mostly come back on the big event of March, which kept us pretty busy!!!

And as mentioned in the video, here's the link to Jon's online survey and I really promise that it takes a few minutes to complete:

He will be more than grateful if some of you could participate and we thank you in advance for it.

So yes, this Baselworld was quite something, not necessarily in terms of numbers of crazy watches seen there, because like the SIHH everyone came with a more reasonable approach, but at least shows again that customers have been heard.

Regarding creativity and special timepieces, we owe it again to the many independents present at Les Ateliers and other small hidden corners and was nice to feel the level of appreciation of this by the public.

And for those interested in joining us for our end of next month WatchTrippin adventure, here's the link:

All the very best to all and thanks for watching.


Baselworld WATCHPORN 2018 - Best shots of


Konstantin Chaykin & Sven Andersen collaboration at Baselworld 2018