Let's Make Watchmaking Great Again - A special PRIMETIME

I know that this title is a bit of a caricature, but 2016 has for sure seen the end of a very special cycle for the watchmaking industry. After an incredible series of record years, the brutal decline a watch sales across the globe will definitely have an impact on how watchmakers come out with new products, how they position them and will unfortunately make its toll for a few brands and most importantly for some of their employees. 

We love watchmaking and we love the craft, but there has been a bit of excess in the recent years and we simply hope that brands will adapt more accordingly as the rules of the game have changed.

This does not mean that we will not see fantastic new timepieces in 2017, but we are convinced that the return to watchmaking substance will prevail and brands will focus more and more on what makes this craft so special. That is also our mission and has always has been, so we are really looking forward bringing new and exciting video reports throughout the year and are ever more so enthusiast at doing this as our audience is really nicely increasing from month to month.

Additionally to our regular reports, we have just introduced our new segment dedicated to collectors "Me, Myself 6 My Watches"; how they came into watchmaking, what made them tick, but we will also introduce a new series dedicated to understanding better how a watch works. We will also be producing a new series on the rich history of watchmaking and both these new series will be done in collaboration with some very special people.

We can't thank enough our audience for the great feedback we receive on a continuous basis. This is naturally really nice and motivates us even more to come with entertaining and higher quality videos, as for us watchmaking is all about pleasure and sharing.


Evolution of the Round Golden Bridge by Corum


#WATCHPORN 2016 - Best of TheWATCHES.tv